Please choose the plan that best fits your needs. You may choose from two payment options, monthly or yearly. For monthly plans, your credit card will be charged each month. For yearly plans, your credit card will be charged once per year. Choosing a yearly plan will give you the best discount. Click here to read a description of our plans.
To help select the right plan, read the sections below. Each section provides a description of what each feature will give you.
The main feature provided in our plans is the ability to create collection lists. These lists could be anything, such as a list of your own personal stamp collection or a collection of stamps that you would like to purchase. The different plans are tiered on the number of collections that you are allowed to have at any given time.
This feature uses the stamp values in our database to calculate the approximate value of your collections. This will help you determine the value of your collection or how much it will cost to purchase the stamps that you are missing. It can also be used to help determine if you are getting fair value for the stamps that you purchase or sell.
PSG has comprised an extensive database of current stamp values, which are based on actual dealer listings, auctions, and market trends. These values will give you insight into the value of your collection that you own and into what you can expect to pay for the stamps that you are missing.
This feature allows you to add conditions to the stamps in your collection list. This helps you keep better track of what is in your collection and fully calculate the value of your collection. You can also add multiple conditions per stamp in your collection.