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Red River and Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba

Fresh Waters of Canada

Stamp Info

Name Value
Date of Issue May 23, 2000
Year 2000
Quantity 2,500,000
Perforation or Dimension Diecut, imperforate = Découpé à l'emporte-pièce, non dentelé
Series Fresh Waters of Canada
Series Time Span 2000
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited.
Postal Administration Canada

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  • They are not based on catalogue values but on current dealer and auction listings. The reason for this is that catalogues tend to over-value stamps.
  • They are average prices. The actual value of your stamp may be slightly above or below the listed value, depending on the overall condition of your stamp. Use these prices as a guide to determine the approximate value of your stamps.

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Booklet of 5 stamps (sealed)

Quantity Produced - 2,500,000
Current Price Value
View price
Original Purchase Price: $2.75
Perforation: Diecut, not perforated
Dimension: 50 mm x 26 mm (horizontal)
Printing Process: Lithography (five colours)
Gum Type: P.V.A.
Tagging: General, four sides
Paper: JAC Paper
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Official First Day Cover

Quantity Produced - Unknown
Original Purchase Price: $3.05
Cancellation Location: OTTAWA, ONTARIO
Perforation: Diecut, not perforated
Dimension: 50 mm x 26 mm (horizontal)
Printing Process: Lithography (five colours)
Gum Type: P.V.A.
Tagging: General, four sides
Paper: JAC Paper
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About Stamp

Ask most people around the world what image Canada evokes in their minds and three of this country's greatest natural beauties are sure to be among the choices: the bold vistas of the Rocky Mountains, the scenic wilderness of the North, and the seemingly limitless abundance of fresh water.

In two sets of five stamps to be issued May 23, Canada Post celebrates the beauty of many of our country's most famous bodies of freshwater. Each stamp features a pair of spectacular Canadian freshwater sites. The set includes five US-rate (55¢) and five international-rate (95¢) stamps; both sets of five are in booklets of self-adhesive stamps. Two Official First Day Covers will also be available.

A valued resource

In addition to bordering on three oceans ­ Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic ­ and having the world's longest coastline, Canada contains more than 750,000 square kilometres of fresh water. To put it in different terms, our lakes and rivers cover more than seven percent of the country, represent 20 percent of the planet's freshwater supply, and nine percent of the total flow of all rivers.

Some water remains trapped in glaciers; some re-purifies itself in wetland areas. Fresh water also runs unseen beneath the ground, supplying wells and draining into surface waters at lower elevations.

The same water has been circulating through these freshwater ecosystems for millions of years, and humans are an intrinsic part of the cycle. Certainly the lifeblood of the planet, water was also central to the birth of this nation, shaping its history, economy and culture.

Even before Canada's European settlers crossed the ocean, native peoples from coast to coast relied on the country's abundant lakes and rivers to live, travel and communicate. And after the Europeans arrived, those same freshwater sources became highways for trade and exploration. Farms and towns grew up along their banks. Mills and other industries began to appear. Settlements grew and evolved over time into many of the nation's largest cities, relying on the waters to provide energy and highways for commerce.

Natural attractions

Today, the value of these waterways is largely environmental and recreational. Each year, thousands of people from around the globe flock to Canada's inland and coastal waters to relax and enjoy the placid beauty of our lakes, the awe-inspiring fury of our waterfalls, and the mighty flow of our rivers.

While they may be out of sight, our fresh waters are never far from mind. Today, Canadians are taking measures to protect our fresh waters from degradation, and to make sure its quality endures for generations to come.

A Fluid Vision

Many of the images featured on these five international-rate and five US-rate stamps depict fresh waters whose beauty is evidence of the unrelenting power of nature's most basic forces. In fact, limiting the set to 10 stamps proved a difficult task, as Canada is blessed with countless spectacular fresh-water vistas.

The stamps in this freshwater set are all based on photographs taken by Mia and the late Klaus Matthes, who opened their Montreal studio in 1958 and built an international reputation through appearances at several notable exhibitions. The couple was awarded L'Ordre national du Québec in 1998.

Mia Matthes worked with Maximage Design's Clermont Malenfant to select the 20 photographs used in this set, and assisted in the development of the stamps' overall design.


Designed and photographed by Mia Matthes. Based on photographs by Klaus Matthes.

Similar Stamps


Canada Post Corporation, Canada's Stamp Details, Vol. 9, No. 3 , 2000, p. 17-20.

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