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Stamp Info

Name Value
Date of Issue January 17, 2016
Year 2016
Quantity 200,000,000
10-cent Denominated
Denomination Value $0.10
Perforation or Dimension 0.87 x 0.98 in./22.10 x 24.89 mm
Issue Location Washington, DC 20066
Postal Administration United States

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Coil of 10,000 (1 Design)

Quantity Produced - 20,000
Original Purchase Price: $1,000.00
SKU: 799304
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Printed at: Browns Summit, NC
Printing Process: Offset, Microprint
Gum Type: Pressure-sensitive
Paper: Nonphosphored Type III
Layout Number: “S” followed by six (6) single digits
Layout Number Frequency: Plate numbers every 27th stamp below stamp image
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About Stamp

On January 17, 2016, in Washington, DC, the U.S. Postal Service® issued the 10-cent Pears stamp, in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 10,000 stamps. The stamp went on sale nationwide January 17, 2016.

In 2016, the U.S. Postal Service® issues Pears, a new ten-cent definitive stamp featuring an illustration of two brilliantly red pears.

Pears (genus Pyrus) are one of the world’s oldest cultivated fruits. They grow on medium-sized, long-lived, flowering trees that generally produce fruit in their fourth to sixth year of growth. Thousands of varieties-in hues of green, yellow, red, and brown-are grown throughout the world.

Pear trees, like apple trees, can surprise their growers with “sport” branches (also referred to as spontaneous mutations) that bear fruit differing in appearance from the anticipated produce. Thus, a tree producing green pears may spontaneously sport a branch of red pears. Other red pears are the result of hybridizing, or crossbreeding two different varieties.

Harvested when mature-the fruit snaps off the branch when lifted-pears ripen at room temperature. Testing for ripeness is simple: Press gently at the base of the stem; if you feel a slight give, your pear is ripe.

Pears are among the most popular fruits in the world, and for good reason. These low-calorie treats provide a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. Great snacks eaten fresh out of hand, and perhaps over a sink so the juice drips there, pears can be poached, baked, sliced into salads, and star on a cheese plate.

Art director Derry Noyes designed this stamp with an existing illustration by John Burgoyne.


Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, PMS Warm Gray4, PMS 7619 Red


Art Director: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC.
Designer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC.
Typographer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC.
Existing Art: John Burgoyne, West Barnstable, MA.
Modeler: Michelle Finn/Sandra Lane.

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USPS Postal Bulletin 22433. Copyright: USPS.

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